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Reliance - 1

  • EDA platform : ViewLogic

  • design type : Schematic



  • Reliance 1 is a general purpose fixed-point Digital Signal Processor (DSP) targeted for implementing a real-time stereo equalizer in the form of cascaded digital band-pass filters.
  • 2 stage pipeline architecture (load opcode+operands / multiply ).
  • The architecture is optimized to perform second order IIR systems in transposed-canonical realization II, which is the most optimum (takes only 2 memory locations) and the most stable for doing integer maths. Therefore by cascading N sets of these you can implement just about any type of filters.
  • The internal data path is 24 bits, but only 12x12 multiply (signed) is supported
  • In order to allow fast execution and small code rom (flash or eeprom), upon power-up or system reset, the code and filter coefficients, are loaded from the 8bit code-memory (flash or eeprom) by the onboard boot-loader in to a faster 24bit wide SRAM, where execution takes place.
  • The IP contains controllers for Burr-Brown ADS7804 11 bit ADC and Analog Devices ADS7804DACs.
  • The prototype I've built was able to run at 0.625MIPS this does not mean you can't do better. Obviously this rate did not allow me to run a 5 band stereo equalizer at 44Khz, which I intended Realiance-1 to do.



The following document contains a much more detailed documentation. It's a big file with lots of pretty images and such. Word 95 format



Design Files

 Please contact me to obtain the schematic files.


Pictures of Prototype

This is a large page, so may take a while. Click here to see it